AQUARIUS MARINE Import services includes:

  • EX-Suppliers Door and Routing-Order Import

For Ex Factory and F.O.B terms we could set up our offers which will meet your satisfaction. Then pick up the freights at your supplier door up to nearest International Port / Airport at origin then dispatching them out to the final destinations. We totally understanding the conception of (Routing-order) and can reflect it by keeping our customer updated with where their shipments locates during all the ways. Our target is making you discovered that AQUARIUS MARINE Import services are saving your money and minimize expenses.

  • Door to Door

AQUARIUS MARINE can handle all your goods from origins to destinations, setting up proper documents, arranging for shipping and delivering them right to your door. All these services costs will be included in only one invoice to simplify your financial and purchasing requirements.


AQUARIUS MARINE SERVICES CO. is not only Freight Forwarders but also Client consultant as when you need legalization just

ask us and then we can act for any supplier all over the world.


AQUARIUS MARINE SERVICES can picking up, warehousing and consolidating all your freights and orders at all Egyptian terminals and shipping them to any point in the Middle & Near East also if you need customs clearance we can clear your shipments on time just when you need it. AQ